HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 89

Suggested action
If you know that the target enclosure and blade support Flex-10, check that the error message
concerns insufficient NICs. In these cases, you can ignore the message and select the target.
Use caution when renaming or moving a VC Domain Group
Use caution when renaming or moving a VC Domain Group, which is accomplished by checking
Change Logical Server Associations using the Tools
→Logical Servers→Refresh... menu selection.
Do not use this functionality to merge VC Domain Groups. This functionality must only be used to
reassociate logical servers to a new domain group name. Do not specify an existing domain group
for the New Domain Group Name, otherwise your logical servers may become unusable.
Deactivate or move logical servers before replacing blade
Before you replace a blade in an enclosure that is currently hosting a logical server, move or
deactivate any logical servers that are active on the blade. After the new blade has been installed,
discovered, and licensed, perform the Tools
→Logical Servers→Refresh... menu selection for Virtual
Connect server resources. Then reactivate the logical servers on the blade or move them back from
the location to which they have been moved.
Unmanaging a logical server using a storage pool entry may result in an
inconsistent state
If a storage pool entry was associated with the unmanaged logical server, the WWNs that are
still being used by the profile remain in the logical server, but the storage pool entry is marked as
Inoperable, and the Ready check box is grayed out. These WWNs will not be assigned to a new
logical server while in this state.
To make the logical server Operable, perform one of the following methods:
Suggested action 1
Delete the VC Profile (freeing up the WWNs), then run Refresh Server Resources and select Virtual
Connect Resources. This allows you to re-use the existing WWNs.
Suggested action 2
Increment the Maximum Sharer count, adding new WWNs that are free to be used. This is useful
only if a new logical server will be able to share access to the disks with the current VC profile.
Suggested action 3
Modify the unusable WWNs, entering in new values in their place.
HP recommends that you do not use Unmanage Logical Server to unmanage a logical server that
has been previously activated. Unmanaging the logical server may result in an inconsistent state,
and may render the storage pool entries unusable. An exception to this recommendation is if you
plan to manage the profile using VCEM.
Storage pool entry status is “Presentation Completed with Errors –
Inoperable” or “Presentation Completed – Inoperable”
After creating a storage pool entry from an array imported into SPM, the status of the storage pool
entry on the Matrix OE visualization Storage Pool screen is “Presentation completed with Errors
Inoperable” or “Presentation Completed Inoperable”.
A possible cause can be when the array is imported into SPM, a security group other than the
Matrix Security Group is selected on the Array Properties screen
Suggested action
the storage administrator or an administrator with permissions to use SPM should perform the
following steps:
Use caution when renaming or moving a VC Domain Group