Brother MW-260 User Manual
Page 53

ESC iXa2
Specify Non-Printed character text strings
ESC i X a 2 n1 n2 n3 data
27 105 88 97 50 nd1 nd2 nd3 datad
1B 69 58 61 32 nh1 nh2 nh3 datah
nh2:00h (Fixed)
nh3:01h (Fixed)
Specifies the Non-Printed character text string.
Length of the text string (0 to 20) + 1
Text string (The maximum number of characters that can be set is 20
characters (bytes).)
This command is a static command.
Invalid when an attempt is made to specify more than 20 characters
To specify the Non-Printed character text string as “ABCD”:
Since the text string contains four characters, nh1=05h and nh2=00h, and then the
command will be as follows.
ESC i X a 2 05h 00h 01h A B C D
(1Bh 69h 58h 61h 32h 05h 00h 01h 41h 42h 43h 44h)