Sterlco S-150 Digital Dosing Controller User Manual
Page 48

Digital Dosing Units
5. Remove the dosing hopper from the dosing unit.
6. Dismantle the dosing unit and remove the shear plate (D).
7. Loosen the two hexagon socket screws (B, M6 x 30) on the top side of the dosing disc
8. Loosen the center hexagon socket screw (C, M6 x 12) and replace by an M6 x 60
9. Lift the dosing disc (A) from the
dosing unit housing (B) by this
10. Clean the shear plate using a
cotton cloth.
Clean the dosing hopper and
the dosing disc in soapy water.
12. The dosing unit housing may
also be cleaned with soapy
13. Ensure that soapy water does
not enter ball bearings.
14. Dry all parts thoroughly.
Installing the Dosing Station
1. Place the dosing disc in the dosing unit housing.
2. Remove the screw (M6 x 60).
3. Screw the dosing disc in place by means of 2 hexagon socket screws (M6 x 30).
4. Mount the center hexagon screw (M6 x 12).
5. Install the shear plate and then the dosing unit.
Turn the dosing disc to check for smooth movement.
7. Position the dosing hopper on the dosing unit.
8. Tighten the profile clamp.