NORD Drivesystems BU0050 User Manual

Page 53

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1.8 USS

– Frequency inverter settings

BU 0050 GB-3111

Subject to technical amendments



Setting value / Description / Note



USS baud rate

(USS baud rate)

0 ... 7

{ 3 }

Setting of the transfer rate (transfer speed) via the RS485 interface. All bus participants must
have the same baud rate setting.

0 = 4800 Baud

1 = 9600 Baud

2 = 19200 Baud

3 = 38400 Baud

4 = 57600 Baud (SK 54xE)

5 = 115200 Baud (SK 54xE)

6 = 230400 Baud (SK 54xE)

7 = 460800 Baud (SK 54xE)


For communication via Modbus (available for SK 540E and above) a transfer rate of
maximum 38400 Baud must be set.


USS Address

(USS Address)

0 ... 30

{ 0 }

Setting of the FI bus address for USS (or SK 540E and above: also Modbus) communication.


Telegram downtime

(Telegram downtime)

-0.1 / 0.0 /
0.1 ... 100.0 s

{ 0.0 }

Monitoring function of the active bus interface. Following receipt of a valid telegram, the next one
must arrive within the set period. Otherwise the FI reports an error and switches off with the error
message E010 >Bus Time Out<.

0.0 = Off: Monitoring is switched off.

-0.1 = No error: Even if communication between BusBox and FI is interrupted (e.g. 24V error,

Box removed, etc.), the FI will continue to operate unchanged.