Dwyer ULSS User Manual
Page 12

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Rev A
Step Seven
Relay Fail‐Safe: This feature allows you to select the fail‐safe state for
the relays. When the sensor regains signal, the output current will
revert back to the current level condition.
Relays Off ‐ The relays will revert to the OFF state. Appears
when Switch/Alarms Only is selected.
Relays On ‐ The relays will revert to the ON state.
Appears when Switch/Alarms Only is selected.
Hold State ‐ The relay(s) will remain in the same state as the
last echo detected. When the sensor regains signal, the relays
will revert to the level when the signal was regain.
Pump/Valves Off ‐ The relays will revert to the OFF state.
Appears when 1‐Pump/Valve or 2‐Pumps/Valves are selected.
Pump/Valves On ‐ The relays will revert to the ON state.
Appears when 1‐Pump/Valve or 2‐Pumps/Valves are selected.
Not Applicable – Appears when this function is not available
(such as when Transmitters Only are selected).
Note: Right click on any menu that you may have questions on to open the help menu.
Note: To reset, press the Clear Screen button.