Dwyer ULSS User Manual
Page 11

Rev 5
11 of 30
Step Seven
Pump/Valve Mode: This feature allows you to select the mode for a
control or latching relay. Pump/Valve mode is not active for
Switch/Alarms Only or 4‐20 mA Transmitter Only.
Simplex – Allows for the relay to be used as an automatic fill or
empty. This is the default and only configuration when 1‐
Pump/Valve is selected.
Simplex used to Empty Tank (example)
Lead/Lag – Allows for the two relays to have unique start levels
and a common stop level. The first relay will be identified as
the lead relay and the second relay as the lag. Each time the
lead level is reached, the first relay will always start. The lag
relay will only start when the lag level is reached. All relays will
stop at the common off level.
Lead/Lag used to Empty Tank (example)
Duplex ‐ Allows for the two relays to have two different start
levels, a common stop level and will alternate the relays when
the first start level is reached. The two relays will alternate
each time the lead level is reached and the remaining relay will
start when the lag level is reached. All relays will stop at the
common off level.
Duplex used to Empty Tank (example)
Not Applicable – Appears when this function is not available
(such as when Switch/Alarms Only or 4‐20mA Transmitters
Only are selected).
Note: Right click on any menu that you may have questions on to open the help menu.
Note: To reset, press the Clear Screen button.