Dwyer ULSS User Manual
Page 10

10 of 30
Rev A
Step Seven
Pump/Valve Action: This feature allows you to select if the pumps or
valves will be used to automatically fill or empty the tank. For 2‐
Pump/Valve mode, both devices must be the same (automatic fill or
empty). You cannot set one relay for fill and the other for empty.
Empties Tank – Will set relay(s) to automatically empty a tank.
Start level will be above the Stop level for each relay.
Fills Tank – Will set relay(s) to automatically fill a tank. Start
level will be below the Stop level for each relay.
Not Applicable – Appears when this function is not available
(such as when Switch/Alarms Only or 4‐20mA Transmitters
Only are selected).
Empties Tank
Fills Tank
(Auto Empty)
(Auto Fill)
Note: Right click on any menu that you may have questions on to open the help menu.
Note: To reset, press the Clear Screen button.