Operation – KROHNE OPTISYS TUR 1050 EN User Manual

Page 43

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11/2012 - 4002444301 MA OPTISYS TUR 1050 R02 en

Resolution of the measured value

The device can display from one up to four digits to the right of the decimal place. The default
setting are two decimal places. Four digits right to the decimal point are only possible for
measuring results below 10 NTU/FNU. Each decade upwards decreases the digits right to the
decimal place by one.

If the last or the last two digits right of the decimal place are not stable, you can reduce the
resolution (i.e. the amount of digits right to the decimal place) to hide these digits and get a
stable reading.

Display backlight brightness

The display backlight brightness is of particular interest if multiple devices are located in the
same area. If all of them should have the same clearness of display, then you might have to
adjust the backlight brightness of particular devices. The default setting is 8, ten levels are

Setting the units

The most common unit of the measured value and the default setting is NTU (Nephelometric
Turbidity Units), but FNU (Formazin Nephelometric Units) is also available.