2 panel callback, 3 digital communicator time-out – Fire-Lite P K-411UD Windows-Based Off-Line Programming Utility User Manual

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Panel Callback


Document #50802 Rev.B 1/5/99 P/N 50802:B

Select one of the three options:

Callback Service Terminal 1

Callback Service Terminal 2

Disable Callback

Once the selection has been made, click the

button to download the new Secret code to the digital communicator.

The Customer File is automatically updated with the new Secret Code.


Panel Callback

Upload or download operations may require the digital communicator to callback the service terminal initiating the
call, before proceeding with a data transfer. Note that 'Disable Callback' may be selected by the master operator,
which will allow the operator to complete an upload/download from any service terminal location. This callback pro-
cedure is incorporated into the software for the following reasons:

Confirmation of service terminal initiating call

Insures that only authorized service terminal can access the digital communicator

Digital communicator must notify the central station(s) of request for upload or download. If central
station(s) denies the request, the communicator will not callback the service terminal


Digital Communicator Time-out

The 411UD/411UDAC software has been designed to terminate communications with a service terminal if valid data
is not received within a specific period of time. Reasons for the termination are as follows:

• If the modem connect sequence does not occur within 30 seconds of the digital communicator answering a

call, the communicator will terminate (hangup) the call. This is a protection against wrong numbers interfer-
ing with normal digital communicator operations

• Following the connection of the digital communicator and service terminal modem, any errors occurring dur-

ing message or data transfers will prompt an attempt to retransmit the information. If transmission errors con-
tinue with each retry, the communicator will terminate the call after 2 minutes

• Following the connection of the communicator and service terminal modem, any delay of 2 minutes or more

in initiating a data transfer will result in the communicator terminating the call

• After answering a call from service terminal, the communicator will attempt to callback the service terminal a

maximum of 4 times (Callback Service Terminal enabled). If the Secret Code is not verified after the 4th
attempt, the communicator will hangup and notify the Central Station(s) of the failed upload/download
attempt. Possible reasons for failure of the service terminal to answer a callback are as follows:

Service terminal phone line inoperative

Service terminal modem failure

Service terminal window initiating call has been exited before receiving callback

Data transmission errors have occurred prompting up to a 2 minute time-out. 4 callbacks have been
made, each resulting in up to a 2 minute time-out.