Fire-Lite P K-411UD Windows-Based Off-Line Programming Utility User Manual

Page 42

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Document #50802 Rev.B 1/5/99 P/N 50802:B

replace an 'F' in the text block. When the entire phone number has been entered, any remaining 'Fs' indicate the end
of the number. Follow the same procedure for entering the Service Terminal 2 Phone Number.

The quantity of rings required, before the digital communicator answers an incoming call on phone line #1, can be set
in this window. The factory default value is '3' rings. Valid entries are '0' to '25', where '0' tells the digital communi-
cator not to answer the incoming call. Double-click in the text block labeled Number of Rings to Answer on Line
and type the desired number. Entering a quantity greater than 25 will cause an error popup window to appear when
attempting to save the window.

The PK-411UD software must indicate whether or not the digital communicator primary phone line is being shared
with a FAX or answering machine. If the primary phone line is shared, click the Line Shared Use Ring Handshake
text. A black dot will appear in the white circle preceding this text to indicate selection. This option will
cause the digital communicator to wait for three consecutive calls, consisting of one ring each and spaced 30 seconds
apart, before answering the incoming call. This prevents the device sharing the phone line from answering the call.

The field labeled Ring Duration is valid only if the primary phone line is shared with a FAX or answering machine.
The time in the adjacent box refers to the amount of time it takes for the 411UD/411UDAC to receive a ring from the
service terminal. This time takes into account delays in the PC, modem, telephone network and PBX if used. The
default time is 0 .75 seconds, however, the time may be adjusted by clicking the up or down arrow or by double click-
ing in the text block and typing the desired ring duration time.

If the primary phone line is not shared with any other device, click the Line Not Shared text. A black dot will appear
in the white circle preceding this text to indicate selection. When this selection is made, the digital communicator
will answer the incoming call after the designated number of rings have occurred.

The final option to be programmed in this window is the Central Station Backup Reporting for Upload/Download
Codes Only. Available options include:

0 - Primary always, secondary only if primary fails

1 - Primary and secondary always

2 - First available Central Station

Click the text of the desired option. A black dot will appear in the white circle preceding the text to indicate selection.

Click the Save button to save all selections to the program file. Click the Exit button to return to the Customer File
window. Clicking the Exit button before the Save button will exit this window and return to the Customer File win-
dow without saving the changes.

The programming for this particular file has been completed. Additional customer files can be programmed by
repeating this process. Click the Save button to save all program information to the customer file.