Chapter 1 product description, 1 main features, Product description – Fire-Lite P K-411UD Windows-Based Off-Line Programming Utility User Manual

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Product Description


Document #50802 Rev.B 1/5/99 P/N 50802:B


Product Description

The PK-411UD Off-Line Programming Utility
is a versatile utility program which allows
remote programming and communicator
interrogation of the Fire•Watch 411UD/
411UDAC over standard public telephone
lines. Using this utility, the communicator can
be programmed via modem using most IBM AT
or compatible computers, including laptops,
equipped with a Hayes


compatible modem.

Program files can be created and stored on the
PC and then downloaded to the communicator.

Use of the PK-411UD software requires a full
understanding of the 411UD/411UDAC Digital
Communicator functionality prior to any upload
or download activity. For information on the
digital communicator, refer to the Fire•Watch
411UD, manual P/N: 50759, or Fire•Watch
411UDAC, manual P/N: 51073. Each time a
new program is created or an existing program
is modified and entered into a 411UD/
411UDAC Digital Communicator, the commu-
nicator must be thoroughly tested.


Main Features

• Program runs under Microsoft




3.1 or higher, including




• Password protection with four separate

authority levels

• Modem option selection window

• Operator Identification Utility provides

operator information which is stored in a

• Customer File Utility allows customer

configuration using separate data files
for each customer

• Download file utility (Download to

Communicator) permits versatile
program setup for programming digital
communicators. Create and customize a
master default download program or edit
existing programs