Figure 5-19: 411ud input/output window, Figure 5-20: 411ud input function selection – Fire-Lite P K-411UD Windows-Based Off-Line Programming Utility User Manual

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Document #50802 Rev.B 1/5/99 P/N 50802:B

Clicking the Input/Output button on the Customer Files window will cause the window shown in Figure 5-19 to

The Input/Output window allows the programming of each of the four channels and the output relay. In addition, the
AC Loss Delay Timer can be programmed and the Trouble Reminder can be enabled or disabled.

Begin by programming Channel 1. Click the down arrow to the right of the Channel 1 Function text block to view
the available options as shown in Figure 5-20.

Clicking the desired selection will cause it to appear in the Function text block.

The Delay Timer text block will be enabled only if function 3 (Process Monitor) or function 5 (Security) is selected.
A default entry of zero (0) will not delay the reporting of a process monitor or security alarm to the Central Station.
To delay the reporting of either of these functions, double click in the Delay Timer text block and enter a delay value
of from 1 second to 179 seconds.

The programming of Channel 1 has been completed. Continue with the programming of Channels 2, 3 and 4 by
following the same procedures outlined for Channel 1.

FIGURE 5-19:

411UD Input/Output Window

FIGURE 5-20:

411UD Input Function Selection