10 zone disable feature, 11 disabling notification circuits, 12 loss of ac power – Fire-Lite MS-25E Addressable Fire Control Panel User Manual
Page 73: Zone disable feature -3, Disabling notification circuits -3, Loss of ac power -3
System Operation
7.10 Zone Disable Feature
To disable a zone, press the disable zone key that corresponds to the zone number you wish to
disable. When a zone is disabled all alarm events that occur while the zone is disabled will be
ignored. Zones that are disabled will be in trouble. The PZT will sound the trouble cadence.
The trouble LED for the specific zone along with the general trouble LED will blink
indicating that the zone is in trouble. If the silence key is pressed after a zone is disabled, the
trouble LEDs will be continuously on and the PZT will silence.
To enable a zone which had been previously disabled, press the disable zone key that
corresponds to the zone number you wish to enable. Each pressing of the zone disable key will
toggle the disable/enable state for the zone.
Note: Followed by the Installers code in ULC installations. See Basic Operating Instructions.
7.11 Disabling Notification Circuits
There are 2 notification circuits on the MS-25 control panel (NAC1 and NAC2). You can
disable them individually by pressing the NAC1 or NAC2 disable keys. A disabled
notification circuit will cause a trouble on the circuit. The PZT will sound the trouble cadence.
The trouble LED for the circuit along with the general trouble LED will blink indicating
trouble. If the silence key is pressed, the trouble LEDs will be continuously on and the PZT
will silence.
Pressing the NAC disable key when the circuit is already disabled will enable the circuit. Each
pressing of a NAC disable key will toggle the disable/enable state for the circuit.
7.12 Loss of AC power
When AC is present and above the brown out threshold, the AC LED will be on continuously.
When AC power is off or below the brown out threshold, the AC LED will blink. The
GENERAL TROUBLE LED will blink also. The trouble relay will activate for loss of AC
once the reporting delay for reporting loss of AC power has been reached. The default setting
for this delay is 3 hours. If the silence key is pressed, the trouble LEDs will be continuously
on and the PZT will silence.
7.13 Remote Connection Feature (ULC Installations
To disconnect the communication paths to the Central Station and/or remote stations, press the
walk test button and the Acknowledge button at the same time. The PZT on the panel will
sound and the General Trouble LED will be flashing. This feature will remain active until you
press the Walk Test and Acknowledge buttons again.