DeFelsko PosiTector 100 v.4.0 User Manual

Page 34

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Page 34

100 Series

Communications – (memory option only)

Model 100 “memory” Gages can communicate with other devices such as PC’s,
serial printers and data collectors via either the built-in infra-red port or the
RS232 connector using the supplied serial cable.


Stored measurements (from one “application” at a time) can be sent formatted to
an infra-red or serial printer and can be captured on a computer using a COM
program such as Windows HyperTerminal or MacTerminal. Measurements are
not erased from memory after being downloaded. See page 23 for full details. A
sample printout can be found in Appendix B.


PosiSoft ™ for Windows is supplied at no additional charge with all Gages with
the memory option. It runs on PC-type computers running Windows95, 98, NT
or higher version and having a COM port.

PosiSoft provides the user with a tool for
monitoring and analyzing a coating thickness
process. When Gage readings are downloaded
to PosiSoft, the results may be saved to
separate files for analysis. PosiSoft quickly
generates Histograms, Control Charts and a
Statistical Summary.

Full operating instructions can be accessed by first installing the software,
starting the program and then selecting the

Help q

q PosiSoft Help menu


Downloading Measurements As They Are Taken

After each measurement cycle a thickness measurement is derived and the result
is simultaneously displayed on the LCD and transmitted from the RS232 serial
port at 9600 baud, 8 bits, nonparity, 1 stop bit. Output is in the following form
{STX}2,Polymer,•••••••2.5,Polymer,•••••••1.2,concrete,mils{CR}{LF} where:


= ASCII code 02 = ^B

concrete = substrate category


= number of coats (layers)


= units

Polymer = coating category


= ASCII code 13 = ^M

= space


= ASCII code 10 = ^J


=thickness measurement for layer1