Sets – DeFelsko PosiTector 100 v.4.0 User Manual
Page 13

100 Series
Page 13
8 readings are stored in the application
called Plastic_Pipes. Average of –1
is 1.96mils -2
coat is 1.78 mils. Total
coating thickness of the last reading is
3.80 mils.
13 sets are stored in the application called
Plastic_Pipes. These sets contain only average
and standard deviation values. The average
thickness of coating1 is 1.93 mils. This
represents the average of 13 average values.
Four readings are in the current set which has
not yet been added to the application.
When the
Memory ON menu item is selected, a
symbol and a
counter (n=0) appears in the upper center of the display. If the graphics screen is
OFF a box will appear beside every layer box containing the average (mean)
and standard deviation
values. If the graphics screen is ON statistics
calculations are done in the background and results are still stored into memory.
As each measurement is taken, the readings are
displayed and the counter is increased. An
incorrect or unwanted reading can be removed
by selecting the
Delete Reading menu item
before another reading is taken.
If any layer contains a null result “- - - - -“ then
the entire measurement attempt, although
displayed, is not included in the statistical
calculations and not stored into memory.
This mode is very similar to Statistics mode
except that measurement results are stored in memory for later downloading.
Sets ON/OFF menu item is
only visible when Memory mode is ON.
When both Memory and Sets modes are ON
individual measurements ARE NOT STORED.
Instead when the
Add Set to Batch menu
item is selected the average, standard deviation
and number of readings are stored in memory.
The memory counter. will be incremented by
one and the sets counter will be reset to 0.
Statistical summaries are calculated for each
batch during printing. This delivers the
average of a set of average readings as
required by SSPC PA-2 guidelines.