Advanced features – DeFelsko PosiTector 100 v.4.0 User Manual
Page 29

100 Series
Page 29
Advanced Features
Zeroing the Probe
The probe must be periodically zeroed using the
Setup q
q Zero Probe menu
item to compensate for both temperature and probe wear effects. (This is not to
be confused with measuring an uncoated substrate to get a 0.0 reading!) Allow
the probe to reach ambient temperature. Wipe the probe clean of gel.
Temperature changes directly affect Gage measurements by expanding
and contracting the probe’s plastic delay tip. Constant handling and measuring
on a hot surface, for example, will warm the probe. Storage in an outdoor winter
environment will cool and contract the probe tip. The B probe compensates for
temperature automatically during each measurement. But the C and D probes
must be manually compensated using the
Setup q
q Zero Probe menu item.
This menu item should be selected every hour of measurement for the C and D
probes to compensate for temperature; more often in a changing temperature
environment or when first beginning to measure after an extended power-down.
Probe wear also directly affects Gage measurements but usually in a
less dramatic fashion. Compensation must be made manually for all probes
using the
Setup q
q Zero Probe menu item. This menu item should be
selected at the beginning of each day to compensate for wear; more often when
measuring on rough coatings.
Occasionally, the message “
Probe must be zeroed” will appear when a
new probe is connected or when probe calibration data is lost such as when
“INITIALIZING” the Gage (below).