DeFelsko PosiTector 6000 v.4.0 User Manual

Page 9

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How to Calibrate

Make several measurements on each of
three to five traceable Calibration
(see below).

If all of the readings on each standard is
within the tolerance of the Gage, the
Gage is operating properly and the
calibration is complete.

If the readings are not within tolerance,
first verify that your standards are good,
then repeat the measurements. If the
measurements are still out of tolerance,
you may wish to try a second set of
standards. If after this step the Gage is
still reading out of tolerance, the Gage
should be returned for service. There are
no user alignments possible

(Written Calibration Procedures are
available from DeFelsko at no charge,
and are included on the PosiSoft CD with
every Memory model

Calibration Standards:

To calibrate the 6000 you must have a set
of Thickness Calibration Standards with 3
to 5 values that cover the full range of the
probe being used. These standards must
have been measured to an accuracy that
is four or more times better than the
accuracy of the Gage at the thickness
being measured.

Example: If the gage has an accuracy of


2 microns at the thickness being

measured, then the standards have to
have been verified to an accuracy of
better than or equal to


0.5 micron.

(Traceable Calibration Standards are
available for each 6000 model. Contact
your dealer for details