Aquametrix 2300 Multi-Input Controller Quick Start Guide User Manual

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2300 Controller Quick Start Guide

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Figure 7 - Probe Status menu showing four analog sensors (pH, ORP, conductivity and Dissolved

The 2300 and the probes are configured using the five buttons along the top of this screen. Their
functions and their submenus are described below in Table 2. Note that there are two other levels of
password protection, that don’t access everything that the admin level does: these screens are what
an admin-level user sees.

Figure 7 – Probe Status page on web

Table 1 - Menu Items Available to an Administrator

Probe Status

Displays the current values of the sensors along with recent history
and monitor status.

Remote Display

Displays a simulated image of the current front panel of the 2300
with active buttons. Clicking on one of the 8 navigation buttons
changes the screens and moves the cursor just as if these buttons