Aquametrix P/R60C-8 Differential pH or ORP Probes User Manual
Features, Applications, Description great lak es replacem ent
The P60C-8 pH and the R60C-8
ORP probe are dependable indus-
trial grade sensors designed to pro-
vide accurate measurement and
longer service life under the most
demanding conditions. Some fea-
tures of these probes include: dif-
ferential measurement technology,
replaceable salt bridge and encap-
sulated preamp.
The P/R60C-8 incorporates all the
benefits of differential measure-
ment found in other models of the
60 series, field proven in thousands
of installations. This technique uses
two glass electrodes to make the
measurement differentially with re-
spect to a third metal electrode. The
domed glass process electrode is
specially designed for tough ap-
plications. The second electrode is
immersed in a pH 7 buffer encapsu-
lated in the probe.
This second electrode is protected
from the process by a double junc-
tion replaceable salt bridge. The re-
sulting true differential measurement
has several advantages over con-
ventional probes: ground loop prob-
lems are virtually eliminated, and the
salt bridge is easily replaced.
If the internal solution becomes con-
taminated, the probe can be rejuve-
nated at modest cost by replacing
the salt bridge and reference solu-
tion. Automatic temperature com-
pensation is accomplished through
the use of a thermistor at the tip of
the probe. This thermistor place-
ment provides rapid response for
process temperature variations.
The encapsulated preamplifier pro-
vides an output signal which can
be transmitted 3000 feet over in-
expensive cable. Another version
encapsulates a blind 4-20 mA two
wire transmitter which can transmit
a virtually unlimited distance over a
twisted pair cable. (See P/R65 data
Replaceable Salt Bridge
Low Maintenance Cost
Encapsulated Preamplifier
Transmits up to 3000 ft.
4-20 mA two-wire blind transmit-
ter version available (model P/R65)
ORP available with
gold electrode
Password protection
and watchdog timer
Aquametrix Model P/R60C-8
Differential pH or ORP Probes
100 School Street
Andover, MA 01810
Toll free - 855-747-7623
Process Control
Industrial and Municipal Water
Industrial and Municipal Waste
Treatment and Neutralization
Fume Scrubbers
Circuit Board Manufacturing
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Chemical Processing
Pulp and Paper
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Pharmaceutical Industry
Great Lak