Survey pro user guide release notes, may 2013 – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.3 User Manual

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Survey Pro User Guide Release Notes, May 2013

The content of this new Survey Pro User Guide reflects the changes and en-
hancements made to Survey Pro 5.3 compared to Survey Pro 5.2. The following
changes and add-ups have been introduced:


Re-introduction of the Leveling method. This is now covered in Chapter 7.
. All the chapters that follow have been re-numbered. This new fea-
ture also impacts Chapter 4. Choosing a Surveying Mode - Connecting Sur-
vey Pro to an Instrument
, which has been renamed for the occasion. A new
section Leveling Mode - Getting Ready for Leveling was added at the end
of this chapter. Chapters 1 and 3 are also impacted, but to a much lesser


The Edit Points function has been updated. You will find new buttons to
create and edit points. There is now a

Derivation tab explaining in detail the

origin of every single point stored in a job. An

Undelete Point function was

added allowing you to restore any point you deleted earlier. An

Edit Location

button was also added on the

Location tab allowing you to transform an ob-

served point into a key-in point. All these changes impact the Editing
section in Chapter 3. Creating a Job.


The modifications made to the Edit Points function was an opportunity to
provide more information on point properties, most notably the

Notes tab,

the Raw Data Viewer and Feature codes. All these explanations are provided
in the Appendix under the title “Advanced Information on Point Proper-


In GNSS Surveying, Survey Pro can now support RTCM message types
1021 and 1023 allowing a rover to provide point coordinates in a datum
broadcast by the RTK network it’s working in. This impacts Chapter 3. Cre-
ating a Job
. When defining a coordinate system in the job settings, you are
now given the choice of using the datum broadcast by the network. This
may also impact the first steps of starting a GNSS survey (see Chapter 6.
GNSS Surveying