Multi-point selection, Editing polylines, Editing alignments – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.3 User Manual

Page 25: Exporting data

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Transforming a computed point into a key-in point: Use the

Edit Location button on


Location tab to change the two horizontal coordinates or/and the one vertical


For example, using a total station or GNSS, you observe a point and measure its
three coordinates. This point is in addition a benchmark providing an elevation
reference. You may want to fix the vertical coordinate to what is written on the
benchmark sheet rather than keep the measured elevation. Using the

Edit Location

button, you can change the measured vertical coordinate to a keyed-in coordinate
while keeping the horizontal coordinates as measured.

Multi-Point Selection

With a selection of multiple points, you can use the same button to modify the
description and layer of the entire selection in one operation.

Selecting several points not in sequence is obtained by first activating the Control key
and then tapping successively on the points to edit. The Control key is accessible from
either the virtual keyboard (CTL key on Nomad, Recon or ProMark 220) or the real
keyboard (CTRL key on Ranger). The Shift key can also be used to select several points

in sequence.



A polyline in Survey Pro is a line connecting points together. Each vertex of the line
is defined by an existing point, whether an observed or keyed in point. Points in
polylines can be connected with either straight segments or horizontal curves.

You can use the polyline editor to modify polylines (go to

Job > Edit Polylines). The

polyline editor is described in the Online Help.



An alignment in Survey Pro is a line defined by vectors starting at a Point of Beginning
(POB). The POB can be an existing point in the job, or just location coordinates.
Alignments can have horizontal segments and optionally a vertical profile. Horizontal
segments can be straight segments, circular curves or spiral curves. A vertical profile
can be defined using a vertical curve and straight grade segments.

You can use the alignment editor to modify alignments (go to

Job > Edit Alignments).

The alignment editor is described in the Online Help.

You can import alignments for staking, using

Roads > Edit Roads menu. Alignments

imported using this function can be viewed in the alignment editor but cannot be



Use the

File > Export function to export data from the open job to one of the supported

file formats. For most formats (Survey, JOB, TXT, CSV, XML, CR5 and DXF), you may
select the portion of the current job you wish to export. For export to Survey Pro 4.x
(Job/RAW) or JobXML format, the entire job database will always be exported.