6 alarms, 7 normal operation, 6 remove all sensors – Seed Hawk AIRCART 2014 User Manual

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5. Using the Selector Knob, select
the fake ground speed on the drop
down keypad. Once finished, select 
“OK.” This will allow the user to
monitor the seeding inputs for any
length of time without engaging the
actual implement.

6. When sufficient readings have been 
displayed to ensure the calibration,
Select “Seeder Stationary Mode” in
the menu settings and disable.

7.5.6 Remove All Sensors

This menu item is used when installing a previously used monitor on a new sys-
tem. Selecting this item will clear the monitor’s memory of all learned sensors.
This selection cannot be undone. This selection does not affect CAN based
sensors (meters and down pressure), only MUX based sensors (ground speed,
fan speed, bin level).

7.6 Alarms

The alarm display will become active when any conditions fall below or rise
above the set alarm point. For example: Low Bin level, No Ground Speed, Low
or High Fan Speed and Low Meter Speed are all alarm conditions. All alarms
operate in a similar fashion: An audible alarm will sound and an alarm message
will appear on the display instructing you to press the soft key labeled F1 to
acknowledge the alarm.

1. Using the Selector Knob, high-
light "Remove All Sensors"

2. A dialog box will appear verifying
your selection. Verify by pressing the
Selector Knob or Enter.


Once acknowledged, the audible alarm will cease and an icon of a bell at the top
of the display will flash. Also, an icon associated with the specific alarm will blink. 
For example if the bin level alarm for bin 1 becomes active and is acknowledged,
the Bin 1 icon will flash along with the alarm bell icon. If bin 2 then shows an 
alarm condition then the audible alarm will sound again. Once acknowledged,
the BIN 1 and BIN 2 icons will flash along with the alarm bell icon.

Low and High fan speed alarms can’t be acknowledged. The alarm condition
must be corrected to clear the screen of the alarm warning and to quiet the
audible alarm. If this alarm is going off in error, check the high and low alarm
point settings by going to the sensor configuration menu, highlighting the sensor 
in question and pressing the “Settings”

Soft Key.

If all the installed sensors are found, the monitor will display a list of found
sensors. By pressing the soft key labeled “OK,” the operator can then access the
normal run screen. Items displayed on the run screen can be user selected and
the layout of the run screen can also be user selected, refer to Section 7.3.4. At
this point the system is ready for operation.

7.7 Normal Operation

To power up, turn the monitor and press the

Power Key. The monitor will go

through a short start up procedure and will display a list of all the sensors that
it recognizes from the installed system. If a sensor that should be present on
the system is not found a warning screen will display, Prompting the operator to
either ignore the sensor or to attempt to find the sensor again.  

If multiple sensors are not found there will be multiple warning screens dis-
played with the first expected sensor not found showing the first warning 
screen. This will follow the order of the sensor installation screen. See trouble
shooting guide for possible reasons that a sensor or sensors are not found at
start up.