Installing farm manager, Main window – Hired-Hand HH Software: Farm Manager User Manual

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Part No. 4801-5049 Rev 8/05

Farm Manager

Page: 5

Farm Manager

Start Button

6. Installing Farm Manager

6.1 Farm Manager Quick Start

For those already familiar with Windows operation, the following Quick Start may be used.

(1) Load the Farm Manager software on your hard drive.
(2) Connect the Farm Manager Network to Communications Port #1 (default).
(3) Run Farm Manager.
(4) Follow the on-screen instructions or use the Help screens.

6.2 Installing Farm Manager software on a hard drive

To install the Farm Manager software on a hard drive:


Insert the Farm Manager CD into the CD ROM drive on your computer.


From the Windows Start Menu:


Choose RUN and type D:\setup. (Use the appropriate letter to designate your CD drive.) The install
program will load the Farm Manager software and the associated help file in the “C:\My Farm\”
directory. You may choose a different directory.

6.3 Initial Set-Up Wizard

The first time Farm Manager runs, the “Initial Startup Wizard” will guide the user
through the configuration process. The Install program places the Farm Manager
Start Button into the Windows Start Menu. To start Farm Manager, click on the
Farm Manager Start Button. When Farm Manager starts, the splash screen (See
Section 1) is displayed indicating the Software version and the build number. Then
Farm Manager polls the HH.Net looking for Farm Hand controllers that can

communicate with Farm Manager. As polling occurs, the HH.Net Communication Status screen indicates
which of the 32 addresses is being polled and the Port Status. This poling continues on a regularly scheduled
basis as long as the Farm Manager program is running. HH.Net Communication Status provides other
information as discussed in Section 8.

7. Main Window

The HH.Net Farm Manager main window contains a menu bar, tool bar and displays a Hired-Hand network
configuration in a “tree” view similar to the way Windows Explorer displays file and folder information.

The left side of the screen is titled Farm Structure shows the name of the farm and can list:


The buildings on the farm,


The controllers within each building,


The active and inactive files containing log data for each controller, and

All Controllers

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Details of item selected (highlighted) in
the Farm Structure

Double click on the controller icon to
get the controller properties screen.



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