Options for displaying statistics – Brocade FICON Administrator’s Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 77

background image

|0x041011C500|116301640106040A|H| 0x00| N/A|0000|0000| 34516| 0| 0| 262878|32760|

|0x04100A9700|116301640106040B|H| 0x3C|0x12|006C|0000| 33834| 19329| 32760| 240347|32760|

|0x04100F0000|116301640106040C|H| 0x3C|0x12|006C|0000| 34537| 12385| 32760| 253620|32760|

|0x0410049980|116301640106040D|H| 0x00| N/A|0000|0000| 34764| 0| 0| 266346|32760|

|0x04100FA500|116301640106040E|H| 0x3C|0x12|006C|0000| 23636| 16742| 32760| 183126|32760|

|0x041008F280|116301640106040F|H| 0x00| N/A|0000|0000| 32598| 0| 0| 248620|32760|

|0x04100FA000|1163016401060506|H| 0x00| N/A|0000|0000| 13684| 0| 0| 90210|32760|

|0x0410118500|1163016401060507|H| 0x00| N/A|0000|0000| 101108| 0| 0| 01108|32768|

|0x04100ED500|116301640106050B|H| 0x00| N/A|0000|0000| 101109| 101109| 32767| 0|



The following is an IBM z/OS Global Mirror output example.

root> portshow xtun 17 -ficon -emulxrc



| FDCB Ptr | Path |H|State|Cmds| Cmd|Data|Data| Emulated |Avg| RRS| RRS | Large|

| (0x) | (0x) |D| | Qd | Max| Qd |Max | RRS Ops |RRS| TLF| Read|Chains|


|0x04100D8880|1163006400060023|H| 0x00|0000|000F|0000|0002| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x04100DA880|116300640006002B|H| 0x00|0000|000F|0000|0002| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x041008FB00|1163006400060033|H| 0x00|0000|0003|0000|0001| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x04100ED980|116300640006003B|H| 0x00|0000|0003|0000|0001| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x04100DD100|1163006400060043|H| 0x00|0000|0003|0000|0001| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x04100E2000|1163006400060047|H| 0x00|0000|0003|0000|0001| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x04100E7100|1163006400060057|H| 0x00|0000|0003|0000|0001| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|

|0x04100ECC80|116300640006005F|H| 0x00|0000|0003|0000|0001| 1| 1| 58864| 40| 0|


Options for displaying statistics

Use the portshow xtun [slot/]ve_port -ficon -stats command to display status, performance statistics,
and other statistics for tape, Teradata, IBM z/OS Global Mirror, and printer emulation on Brocade
extension switches and blades. Refer to the table below for a description of command formats to
achieve various outputs.

FICON emulation statistics commands



Output display

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port ve_port -ficon -emul

Statistics and status for printer, Teradata, tape,
and IBM z/OS Global Mirror (XRC) emulation.

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port -ficon -emulxrc

FICON IBM z/OS Global Mirror emulation
statistics and status.

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port -ficon -emultape

FICON tape emulation statistics and status.

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port -ficon -emulprint

FICON printer emulation statistics and status.

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port -ficon -emultera

FICON Teradata emulation statistics and status.

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port -ficon -stats

General statistics, including those for Teradata,
XRC, tape emulation, and FICON idle status

portshow xtun

slot/ve_port -ficon -fdcb control block

Teradata, tape, IBM z/OS Global Mirror, or
printer emulation statistics, including the device
extension of the FDCB for a specified Device
Control Block.

portshow xtun

ve_port ficon -teraperf

Teradata performance statistics.

Options for displaying statistics

FICON Administrator's Guide

