Qos priority-to-pg – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide User Manual

Page 88

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The following example shows how to create an egress buffer profile named port-40G.

Device(config)# qos egress-buffer-profile port-40G queue-share-level

level1-1/64 1/64 of buffers in the sharing pool

level2-1/32 1/32 of buffers in the sharing pool

level3-1/16 1/16 of buffers in the sharing pool

level4-1/9 1/9 of buffers in the sharing pool

level5-1/5 1/5 of buffers in the sharing pool

level6-1/3 1/3 of buffers in the sharing pool

level7-1/2 1/2 of buffers in the sharing pool

level8-2/3 2/3 buffers in the sharing pool

The following example shows how to configure queue 0 on the egress buffer profile named port-40G to
use 1/5 of sharing pool:

Device(config)# qos egress-buffer-profile port-40G port-40G queue-share-level

level5-1/5 0

The following example shows how to configure queue 1 on the egress buffer profile named port-40G to
use 1/64 of the sharing pool:

Device(config)# qos egress-buffer-profile port-40G port-40G queue-share-level

level1-1/64 1

The following example shows how to attach the egress buffer profile named port-40G to ports 1/2/1 to

Device(config)# interface ethernet 1/2/1 to 1/2/6

Device(config-mif-1/2/1-1/2/6)#egress-buffer-profile port-40G


The following example shows the error if you try to delete a profile that is attached to a port:

Device(config)# no qos egress-buffer-profile port-40G

Error - Egress Profile port-40G is active on Port 1/2/1. It must be deactivated from

port before deleting.

The following example shows how to detach the egress buffer profile named port-40G from ports 1/2/1
to 1/2/6 and then delete the profile:

Device(config)# interface ethernet 1/2/1 to 1/2/6

Device(config-mif-1/2/1-1/2/6)# no egress-buffer-profile port-40G


Device(config)# no qos egress-buffer-profile port-40G


Release version

Command history


This command was introduced.

qos priority-to-pg

Configures priority-to-priority-group (PG) mapping for priority flow control (PFC).


qos priority-to-pg qosp0 priority-PG-map qosp1 priority-PG-map qosp2 priority-PG-map qosp3
priority-PG-map qosp4 priority-PG-map qosp5 priority-PG-map qosp6 priority-PG-map qosp7 priority-

no qos priority-to-pg

Command Default

Priority-to-PG mapping is not configured.



qos priority-to-pg


FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide
