On brocade icx 6610 and icx 6450 devices – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide User Manual
Page 57
device(config-if-e1000-1)# unknown-unicast limit 65536
The combined number of inbound Unknown Unicast packets permitted
for ports 1 to 12 is now set to 65536
On the SX-FI48GPP module, multicast and unknown-unicast limiting use the value defined in broadcast
limiting. You cannot set a separate limit for unknown-unicast limiting and multicast limiting.
Syntax: [no] broadcast limit num
Syntax: [no] multicast limit
Syntax: [no] unknown-unicast num
The num variable specifies the maximum number of packets per second. It can be any number that is a
multiple of 8192, up to a maximum value of 2147418112. If you enter the multicast limit or unknown-
unicast limit command, multicast packets or unknown-unicast limit are included in the corresponding
limit. If you specify 0, limiting is disabled. If you specify a number that is not a multiple of 8192, the
software rounds the number to the next multiple of 8192. Limiting is disabled by default.
On Brocade FCX Series, ICX 6430 , and ICX 6650 devices
To enable broadcast limiting on a group of ports by counting the number of packets received, enter
commands such as the following.
device(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/8
device(config-mif-e1000-1/1/1-1/1/8)# broadcast limit 65536
To include unknown unicast limiting by counting the number of packets received, enter commands such
as the following.
device(config-mif-e1000-1/1/1-1/1/8)# unknown-unicast limit
To include multicasts limiting, enter the multicast limit command after enabling broadcast limiting.
device(config-mif-e1000-1-8)# multicast limit
Syntax: [no] broadcast limit num
Syntax: [no] multicast limit
Syntax: [no] unknown-unicast limit
The num variable specifies the maximum number of packets per second. It can be any number that is a
multiple of 65536, up to a maximum value of 2147418112. If you enter the multicast limit command,
multicast packets are included in the corresponding limit. If you specify 0, limiting is disabled. If you
specify a number that is not a multiple of 65536, the software rounds the number to the next multiple of
65536. Limiting is disabled by default.
On Brocade ICX 6610 and ICX 6450 devices
To enable broadcast limiting on a group of ports by counting the number of bytes received, enter
commands such as the following.
device(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/8
device(config-mif-e1000-1/1/1-1/1/8)# broadcast limit 8192
On Brocade FCX Series, ICX 6430 , and ICX 6650 devices
FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide