Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide User Manual
Page 76

Metering Enabled, Parameters:
Mode: Adaptive Rate-Limiting
cir: 100 kbps, cbs: 2000 bytes, pir: 200 kbps, pbs: 4000 bytes
Counting Not Enabled
Number of References/Bindings:1
Sample output from an ICX 6650 device:
device#show traffic-policy t_voip
Traffic Policy - t_voip:
Metering Enabled, Parameters:
Mode: Adaptive Rate-Limiting
cir: 100 Pkts/s, cbs: 2000 Pkts, pir: 200 Pkts/s, pbs: 4000 Pkts
Counting Not Enabled
Syntax: show traffic-policy TPDname
To display all traffic policies, enter the show traffic-policy command without entering a TPD name.
Traffic policy information
Traffic Policy
The name of the traffic policy.
Shows whether or not rate limiting was configured as part of the traffic policy:
Enabled - The traffic policy includes a rate limiting configuration.
Disabled - The traffic policy does not include a rate limiting configuration.
If rate limiting is enabled, this field shows the type of metering enabled on the port:
Fixed Rate-Limiting
Adaptive Rate-Limiting
The committed information rate, in kbps (pkts/s in ICX 6650), for the adaptive rate limiting
The committed burst size, in bytes (packets in ICX 6650) per second, for the adaptive rate-
imiting policy.
The peak information rate, in kbps (pkts/s in ICX 6650), for the adaptive rate limiting policy.
The peak burst size, in bytes (packets in ICX 6650) per second, for the adaptive rate
limiting policy.
Shows whether or not ACL counting was configured as part of the traffic policy:
Enabled - Traffic policy includes an ACL counting configuration.
Not Enabled - Traffic policy does not include an ACL traffic counting configuration.
Number of
This field does not apply to FastIron X Series and ICX 6650 devices.
The number of port regions to which this traffic policy applies. For example, if the traffic
policy is applied to a trunk group that includes ports e 9/9, 9/10, 9/11, and 9/12, the value in
this field would be 2, because these four trunk ports are in two different port regions.
Traffic Policies
FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide