Configuring acl-based adaptive rate limiting – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide User Manual

Page 69

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ACL based adaptive rate limiting parameters (Continued)




Committed Burst Size

The number of bytes per second (packets per second in ICX 6650) allowed in a burst
before some packets will exceed the committed information rate. Larger bursts are more
likely to exceed the rate limit. The CBS must be a value greater than zero (0). Brocade
recommends that this value be equal to or greater than the size of the largest possible
IP packet in a stream.

Peak Information Rate

The maximum kilobit (packets per second in ICX 6650) rate for inbound traffic on a port.
The PIR must be equal to or greater than the CIR.

Peak Burst Size (PBS)

The number of bytes per second (packets per second in ICX 6650) allowed in a burst
before all packets will exceed the peak information rate. The PBS must be a value
greater than zero (0). Brocade recommends that this value be equal to or greater than
the size of the largest possible IP packet in the stream.

If a port receives more than the configured bit or byte (packets per second in ICX 6650) rate in a one-
second interval, the port will either drop or forward subsequent data in hardware, depending on the
action you specify.

Configuring ACL-based adaptive rate limiting

To implement the ACL-based adaptive rate limiting feature, first create a traffic policy, and then
reference the policy in an extended ACL statement. Lastly, bind the ACL to an interface. Complete the
following steps.


Create a traffic policy. Enter a command such as the following.

device(config)#traffic-policy TPDAfour rate-limit adaptive cir 10000 cbs 1600 pir

20000 pbs 4000 exceed-action drop


Create a new extended ACL entry or modify an existing extended ACL entry that references the
traffic policy. Enter a command such as the following.

device(config)#access-list 104 permit ip host any traffic-policy



Bind the ACL to an interface. Enter commands such as the following.

device(config)#interface ethernet 7

device(config-if-e7)#ip access-group 104 in


The previous commands configure an adaptive rate limiting policy that enforces a guaranteed
committed rate of 10000 kbps on port e7 and allows bursts of up to 1600 bytes. It also enforces a
peak rate of 20000 kbps and allows bursts of 4000 bytes above the PIR limit. If the port receives
additional bits during a given one-second interval, the port drops all packets on the port until the
next one-second interval starts.

On ICX 6650, rate-limiting is packet-based.

Syntax: [no] traffic-policy TPDname rate-limit adaptive cir cirvalue cbs cbsvalue pir pirvalue
pbs pbsvalue exceed-action action [ count ]

Syntax: access-list num { permit | deny.... } traffic policy TPDname

Syntax: [no] ip access-group num in

Configuring ACL-based adaptive rate limiting

FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide

