Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide User Manual

Page 59

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Syntax: [no] unknown-unicast limit num bytes

The num variable can be any number that is a multiple of 65536, up to a maximum value of
2147418112. If you enter the multicast limit command, multicast packets are included in the limit you
specify. If you specify 0, limiting is disabled. If you specify a number that is not a multiple of 65536, the
software rounds the number to the next multiple of 65536. Limiting is disabled by default. The
unknown-unicast limitnumbytes command is supported on FSX devices.

Viewing broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast limits

You can use the show run interface command to display the broadcast, multicast, and unknown-
unicast limits configured on the device.

You can use the following commands, in addition to the show run interface command, to display the
broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast limits configured on the device:

show rate-limit unknown-unicast

show rate-limit broadcast

The show rate-limit unknown-unicast command is supported only on FSX and the ICX 7750 devices.

Use the show run interface command to view the broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast limit
configured on each port.

device# show run interface

interface ethernet 4

broadcast limit 1245184 bytes

multicast limit


interface ethernet 5

broadcast limit 1245184 bytes

multicast limit


interface ethernet 12

unknown-unicast limit 524288


interface ethernet 13

unknown-unicast limit 65536 bytes


interface ethernet 14

broadcast limit 65536


interface ethernet 23

broadcast limit 131072

multicast limit


Sample output - ICX 7750

Device# show run interface

interface management 1

no ip dhcp-client enable

ip address


interface ethernet 1/1/30

broadcast limit 96

multicast limit 96

unknown-unicast limit 96

Sample output - ICX 6650:

device# show run interface

Viewing broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast limits

FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide

