Yokogawa DA100 User Manual

Page 98

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IM DA100-11E


Computing Equation


App.1 Computing Equation

Priority of operators

The priority of operators in a computing equation is as follows. The operators are placed in order

from the highest priority.




ABS(), SQR(), LOG(), LN(), EXP(), MAX(), MIN(), P-P(), SUM(), AVE(),

PRE(), HOLD():, RESET():



Signs, logical negation

+, -, NOT

Multiplication, division

*, /

Addition, subtraction

+, -

Greater/less relation

.GT., .LT., .GE., .LE.

Equal/not equal relation

.EQ., .NE.

Logical product


Logical sum, exclusive OR OR, XOR

Range when computing

When the value exceeds




during the computation, computation error (overflow) occurs.

Units in computing equations

In computations, measured data are handled as numbers without units. For example, if the

measured data of channel 001 is “20 mV” and the measured data of channel 002 is “20 V”, the

computed result of “001+002” becomes “40”.

Limitations in computing equations

Multiple operators can be used in 1 computing equation. But, there are following limitations.


Number of characters that can be used : 40 characters


Total number of channel numbers and constants: 16 (Computation erroro ccurs when 16

exceeded, and the computed result becomes +OVER or -OVER)


Computation channel numbers: Computation channel numbers less than the current computation

channel number can be used as variables within the computing equation.

Example: A02=001+A01

Computation channel numbers greater than or equal to A03 can not

be used in this computation.


Statistical operators (TLOG. or CLOG.) can only be used once in 1 computing equation.

Control of the computing operation

There is a method to control using the data collection software and the method to control using the

event/action function described on the next page.


Control using the data collection software

This software allows for the start/stop of the computation, and the clearing of the computed result

(select between just clearing or immediately compute after clearing).

Computation start

Computation start

Computation stop

Computation clear & start

Computed data