Yokogawa DA100 User Manual

Page 68

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IM DA100-11E


Output Format



Measured/Computed Data Output Format (Binary

The data are output in the following format by receiving TS0 + “Device Trigger (GET)” + FM1:

A1 to An: Base unit number

(fixed for 80 H in computation)

B1 to Bn: Channel number*
C1 to Cn: Alarm status (level 1/level 2)
D1 to Dn: Alarm status (level 3/level 4)
E1 to En: Measured data**



Year Month Day Hour Minute Second

A1 B1 C1 D1


An Bn Cn Dn


Number of output bytes

Date & time

First channel

Last channel

* For optional computation channel:
A01 to A30 (Stand alon type)
A01 to A60 (Expandable type)
** Four bytes for computed data

Data length

The number of output bytes can be determined using the following equation.

Number of output bytes (Measured data) = 6 x N + 6 (N = number of output channels)
Number of output bytes (Computed data) = 8 x N + 6 (N = number of output channels)

Alarm status (C1 to Cn/D1 to Dn)

0: No alarm

4: Lower-differential-limit alarm

1: Upper-limit alarm

5: Increasing rate-of-change limit alarm

2: Lower-limit alarm

6: Decreasing rate-of-change limit alarm

3: Upper-differential-limit alarm

Measured data (E1 to En)


Positive over-limit data

8001H (80018001H):

Negative over-limit data

8002H (80028002H):

Measurement range setting skips.

8004H (80048004H):

Abnormal data

8005H (80058005H):

No data

*Data inside the parentheses ( ) are computed data.

The number of output bytes can be determined using the following equation:

Number of output bytes = 6 x N + 6 (N = number of output channels)
Number of output bytes = 8 x N + 6 (N = number of output channels)

Alarm status format

For the alarm status, one byte indicates two levels.

1 byte

Level 2

Level 1

Upper digit byte

Lower digit byte

1 byte

Level 4

Level 3

Upper digit byte

Lower digit byte

The status of two levels is output in hexadecimal notation. For example, if the level 1 alarm status
is 2 (lower-limit alarm) and the level 2 alarm status is 4 (lower-differential-limit alarm), 42H is


• The output data are all output in hexadecimal notation.

• Measured data can be output either from the MSB (upper digit) or LSB (lower digit) according to the specification of the

output order.

Since the instrument determines upper byte and lower byte in units of 2-byte data, the 4-byte computed data are output in

the following way.

If MSB(upper byte): "ABCD"

If LSB(lower byte): "BADC"

The default of BO command is “MSB”

• Data in the channel not connected in the system settings, including channel numbers, are not output.