Yokogawa DA100 User Manual
Page 97

IM DA100-11E
App.1 Computing Equation
Statistical operators within the group
Maximum value CLOG.MAX() CLOG.MAX(G01) Obtain the maximum value of the measured data of group G01.
Minimum value CLOG.MIN()
Obtain the minimum value of the measured data of group G02.
Max-min value
Obtain the P-P value of the measured data of group G03.
Total value
CLOG.SUM() CLOG.SUM(G04) Obtain the total value of the measured data of group G04.
Average value
CLOG.AVE(G05) Obtain the average value of the measured data of group G05.
* Statistical computation of the measured data of the input channel within the same group measured at the
same time every specified interval.
Special operators
Previous value* PRE()
Obtain the previous measured data of channel 001
HOLD(001):TLOG.SUM(002) When the measured value of channel 001 changes from
0 to a nonzero value, maintain the displaying integrated
value of the measured data of channel 002 while the
measured value of channel 001 is nonzero.
RESET(001):TLOG.SUM(002) When the channel 001 = nonzero, reset the integrated
value of the measured data of channel 002
* Previously measured data or computed data. In the case of computed data, the value is set to 0 when the
computation is reset. At the start of the computation, if the computation was reset, the value is “0”. If it was
not reset, the value is the last value of the previous computation. The value that can be specified inside
the() is limited to the input channel number (001 to 060) or the computation channel number (A01 to A60).
Each computing equation can be used once.
** When specifying HOLD(A):B or RESET(A):B, A and B are channel numbers or computing equations.
These can be used once in the beginning of the computing equation.
Computing equations are set according to the following rules.
The number of computing equations
“30” computing equations for the stand-alone type and “60” for the expandable type can be set.
Each computing equation is assigned a number. The numbers are “A01” to “A30” for the stand-
alone type and “A01” to “A60” for the expanded type. These numbers are called computation
channel numbers.
Data applicable for computation
The following data is used for computation.
• Measured data: Specified by channel No. (Stand-alone: 001 to 040; Expandable: 001 to 300)
• Computed data: Specified by computation channel No. (Stand-alone: A01 to A30; Expandable:
A01 to A60)
• Constant: Value specified for Stand-alone: K01 to K30; Expandable: K01 to K60.
• Group data: Measured data of channels belonging to a group. Specified by group No. (G01 to
G07). This is applicable only for CLOG.
• Communication input data: Data written to the instrument’s memory via communication
interface. Specified by data No. (Stand-alone: C01 to C30; Expandable: C01 to C60)
• Data on internal RAM disk: Measured/computed data saved in the internal RAM disk. Use the
following numbers to specify data.
Measured data:
Stand-alone: M001 to M040; Expandable: M001 to M300
Computed data:
Stand-alone: MA01 to MA030; Exoandable: MA01 to MA060