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Cut to Length with Multi Stroke Program

We will use a feed length of three inches and want to run at a reasonable
cycles per minute.

The main menu is currently displayed. First we select the job number and we
will use job #1.

1. Press F1 to select the job number

2. Enter job number (01) - press the F4 key when finished.

3. The job number shows two choices:

a) Program parameters - This should be used when programming or
changing job parameters. The three inputs are feed length spm and cut
time. Enter in the three inch feed length putting zeros where needed.
(003.000) when finished, press the enter key and the selection underline
moves to the spm input.

Enter is a stroke per minute. We will use 150 spm (0.150). Press the
enter key again. The underline moves to the cut time selection. To start
with, put in (0.150). This will cut the material in at a high rate and may not be
enough time for thicker stock.

b) Don’t alter parameters - this will just load the existing parameters
without any changes. Exits to the main menu.

4. Press “F2” to select the manual mode.

a) Press F1 to select the “inch” or jog mode. This mode will move the
material slowly forward or reverse to position the material at it’s proper
location. F2

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