11 serial port console redirection – IEI Integration TANK-820-H61 v2.03 User Manual

Page 94

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TANK-820-H61 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 81

 Firs t Bo u n d ary Tem p eratu re

Use the + or – key to change the First Boundary Temperature value. Enter a decimal

number between 1 and 100.

 Seco n d Bo u n d a ry Tem p e ratu re

Use the + or – key to change the Second Boundary Temperature value. Enter a decimal

number between 1 and 100.

 Th ird Bo u n d ary Tem p eratu re

Use the + or – key to change the Third Boundary Temperature value. Enter a decimal

number between 1 and 100.

 Fo u rth Bo u n d ary Tem p eratu re

Use the + or – key to change the Fourth Boundary Temperature value. Enter a decimal

number between 1 and 100.

5.3.11 S e ria l P o rt Co n s o le Re d ire c tio n

The Serial Port Console Redirection menu (BIOS Menu 17) allows the console

redirection options to be configured. Console redirection allows users to maintain a

system remotely by re-directing keyboard input and text output through the serial port.