8 power input, 3-pin terminal block, 9 power input, 4-pin din connector, 10 rj-45 rs-422/485 serial ports – IEI Integration TANK-820-H61 v2.03 User Manual
Page 44: Figure 3-18: 3-pin terminal block, Figure 3-19: power input connector

TANK-820-H61 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 31
3.7.8 P o we r In p u t, 3-p in Te rm in a l Blo c k
The power connector connects the leads of a 9 V~24 V DC power supply into the terminal
block. Make sure that the power and ground wires are attached to the correct sockets of
the connector.
Figure 3-18: 3-pin Terminal Block
3.7.9 P o we r In p u t, 4-p in DIN Co n n e c to r
The power connector connects to the 9 V~24 V DC power adapter.
Figure 3-19: Power Input Connector
3.7.10 RJ -45 RS -422/485 S e ria l P o rts
RS-422/485 serial port devices can be attached to the RJ-45 RS-422/485 serial ports on
the rear panel.
S te p 1:
Locate the RJ-45 RS-422/RS485 connectors. The locations of the RJ-45
RS-422/RS-485 connectors are shown in Figure 1-2.
S te p 2:
Insert the RJ-45 connector. Insert the RJ-45 connector on the
RJ-45 to DB-9
COM port cable to one of the RJ-45 RS-422/485 connectors on the
TANK-820-H61. See Figure 3-20.