4 jumper settings, 1 clear cmos setup (j_cmos2), Umper – IEI Integration TANK-820-H61 v2.03 User Manual

Page 66: Ettings, Table 4-27: vga connector pinouts (vga1), Table 4-28: jumper

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TANK-820-H61 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 53

Table 4-27: VGA Connector Pinouts (VGA1)

4.4 J u m p e r S e ttin g s

The jumpers on the system motherboard are listed in Table 4-28.

Co n n e c to r

Typ e

La b e l

Clear CMOS setup

3-pin header


Table 4-28: Jumper

4.4.1 Cle a r CMOS S e tu p (J _CMOS 2)



Short 1-2

Keep CMOS Setup (Default)

Short 2-3

Clear CMOS Setup

Table 4-29: Clear CMOS Setup Jumper Settings (J_CMOS2)