Vestil EPT-30 User Manual
Page 60
Curtis PMC 1207/1207A Manual
High-pedal-disable (HPD)
The HPD feature prevents the vehicle from being started while the throttle is
applied. The controller can be programmed to have HPD based on either brake
input or KSI.
Brake-type HPD
To start the vehicle, the controller must receive a brake input (brake released)
before receiving a throttle input. Controller operation will be disabled immedi-
ately if pedal demand (throttle input) is greater than 25% duty factor at the time
the brake is released (brake input “high”). Normal controller operation is re-
gained by reducing the throttle demand to less than 25%.
Sequencing delay, which can be set with the handheld programmer, provides
a variable delay before disabling the controller. If the brake is applied while the
throttle is above the HPD threshold (25%), HPD is not activated if the brake is
then released before the delay time elapses.
KSI-type HPD
The HPD feature can be activated by KSI input instead of brake input, if
preferred. To start the vehicle, the controller must receive a KSI input before
receiving a throttle input.
KSI (Key Switch Input) provides power to the logic board, and initializes and
starts diagnostics. In combination with the brake input, KSI enables all logic
Some vehicles may have no keyswitch (KSI simply tied to B+) or may have
the key permanently turned on.
A Status LED located on top of the controller flashes a fault identification code
if a fault is detected by the controller. The fault codes are listed in Table 1. The
code will continue to flash until the fault condition has been cleared during active
fault detection. This will typically happen after cycling KSI for power-up fault
conditions, and cycling the brake for faults detected during operation.
: In
1207 models, the Status LED is on the adjustment panel under the sliding
protective cover.