Vestil AHLT User Manual
Owner's manual

2999 North Wayne St., Angola, IN 46703
Ph: 260-665-9521 Fax: 260-665-1339
Read owner's manual completely before operating unit! The
model number and capacity of the table is incribed on its
(green or red) nameplate. Please remember to include these
numbers with any correspondence with your dealer or factory.
Have only qualified personnel perform maintenance and repairs
on this unit.
• The lifting capacity of your unit is based on a uniformly
centered load. This capacity should never be exceeded,
as permanent damage and/or personnel injury could result.
Consult the factory for side or end loading capacities.
• Never lower the unit onto the safety maintenance prop
while the table is loaded. Never go under the platform
unless the maintenance prop is in position.
• Use AW-32 hydraulic oil (or equivalent), or Dexron II
transmission fluid in the tables reservoir. Do not use brake
fluids or jack oils.
• Check the setting and conditions of all safety switches and
stickers frequently.
• Never operate the table if it or any of its components are
in need of repair. Notify the appropriate personnel in the
event of any unusual noises, movements, or noticeable
damage to the table's understructure of controls, or if the
table doesn't respond normally to its controls.
The table is furnished with a remote "deadman" style
control. This type of operation, also called "push to run", allows
the operator to move the unit as much or as little as necessary.
Each press of the air control valves opens a seperate pilot-
operated valve to initaiate the desired movement, and
movement is creased when the valve is released.
The "RAISE" control opens the motor air supply valve
to run the power unit and thereby pump hydraulic fluid to the
cylinder(s). When the table raises to the previously determined
Revised 03-00
A company dedicated to solving ergonomic and material
handling problems since 1955.
Ergonomic Solutions
Safety Precautions .......................................... 1
Operation .................................................. 1 & 4
Installation Instructions .................................... 2
Hydaulic Circuit ............................................... 3
Loading Instructions ........................................ 4
Pneumatic/Hydraulic Diagram ......................... 5
Exploded Parts Drawing ............................... 6
Parts List ....................................................... 7
Troubleshooting Guide ........................... 8 & 9
Maintenance & Safety ................................ 10
Warning Label Identification ....................... 11
Warranty ..................................................... 12
upper travel upper travel setpoint, and air valve is closed
which in turn disables the pilot-operated motor air supply valve
and causes the unit to stop.
The "LOWER" control opens a hydraulic "dump"
valve to allow that same oil in the cylinder(s) to return back to
the reservoir. When the unit has completely lowered it will
simply stop lowering.
• The power unit's air motor requires a minimum air supply
of 70 CFM at 70 PSI.
• A good quality air filter/lubricator is required for proper,
long-term operation of the table's power unit. Operation
of this machine without one will void the warranty!
• Refer to the hydraulic troubleshooting guide if problems
arise with the table's operation.
• Regular inspections should be performed on all
pneumatic and hydraulic hoses, as will as a visual
inspection of all structural members, hinges and
components. Check for cracking or scraped paint, oil
leaks, noticeable wear at any pivoting points, loose or
missing fastners and components, etc.