Foredom Series L User Manual
Page 10

1. Abrasive Points, Wheels, and Discs:
Foredom’s unique CeramCut Blue
Stones are made from a mixture of special man-made
ceramic grain and aluminum oxide bonded together. The ceramic grain provides a faster
cutting action and is more durable so that shapes are maintained longer than pure aluminum
oxide stones. They are ideal for use on any hard metal such as steel, stainless steel, platinum
and titanium as well as on wood. Use Silicon Carbide (green color) for low-tensile, brittle or
“smeary” types of metals such as aluminum or brass. They are also ideal for use on any hard
metal such as steel, stainless steel, and titanium, as well as wood. Use Aluminum Oxide (red
color) for fast cutting on high-tensile, tough materials such as steel and malleable iron. Also
use on glass and porcelain, etc. Aluminum Oxide (white color) points have an extremely fine grit
for producing a fine, high finish on high-tensile materials including gem stones, stainless steel,
and glass. Rubber Bonded Abrasive Wheels are used for removing rust and for polishing with
various grits. For best results, use finer grits for finishing at high speeds and coarser grits
for stock removal at lower speeds.
2. Burs and Cutters:
Vanadium Steel Cutters are suitable for all materials except hardened steel and glass. Use
Carbide Burs on wood, plastic and tough alloys. Carbide is generally referred to as the “hardest
man-made metal”. Engraving Burs are used for fine detailed work on metal and other hard
materials. Generally, use medium speeds for stock removal. Higher speeds are required for
finishing work and for the smaller points. Typhoon
Carbide Burs provide very fast and aggressive
material removal and are specifically made for use on soft and hard woods and plastics
(do not use Typhoon burs on metal).
3. Sanding Drums, Bands, and Discs:
These accessories are used for removing rust, smoothing rough surfaces and for sanding jobs
on wood, plastic and metal. (Avoid using too much pressure which will cause clogging or a
build-up on the work surface.) For best results, use medium speeds for coarser grits and larger
diameters. Use higher speeds for finishing work or with smaller sizes.
4. Cotton or Felt Bobs and Buffs:
Solid Felt Buffs or Bobs are used in combination with gritty or smooth compounds for a variety of
buffing and polishing operations on plastic, wood, and metal. They vary in shape and come in three
hardnesses — medium, hard, and rock hard. Loosely-stitched Soft Cotton Buffs are used for
delicate work; with precious metal and during polishing operations. Generally, use high speeds for
cutting down and buffing. Medium speeds are used for delicate, precise work and for polishing.
5. Brushes:
Miniature power brushes are generally used on metal surfaces and hard-to-reach areas. They are
ideal for deburring, surface finishing, edge blending, roughening to create a good bonding surface,
and general cleaning. Use high speeds for cleaning and deburring. Medium speeds are needed
when cleaning hard-to-reach areas and edge blending.
a good idea to practice on scrap pieces of the same materials you plan to work on to
determine the best accessories and speeds to use.
Always follow the manufacturer’s RPM or speed recommendations when selecting accessories.
Your Series L, LM, or LB motor is supplied with a variable speed control so that you can
operate it at the most suitable speed for each job. The motor has a maximum speed rating
of 5,000 RPM.
Always use an accessory which has the same or a higher rating than your tool.
Using an accessory with a lower rating can result in serious injury.