Foredom K.1090 User Manual

Micromotor Kit 1090 Insert
Information on the HPMH-011 Hammer Handpiece
The hammer handpiece works with the same control box as the H.MH-170 rotary style handpiece.
For complete operating instructions, please read the entire Owners Manual.
Connecting the Handpiece:
With the Power Switch in the “Off” position and the Rotation Selection Switch in the “Forward” position, attach the micro motor handpiece to
the control box by plugging the coiled cord into the Handpiece Connection Port on the lower right side of the front control panel (Figure 1). Use
keyway for proper alignment when plugging in the cord. NEVER plug the handpiece into the Variable Speed Foot Control Connection Port
on Back of Control Box.
Always use the HPMH-011 handpiece in the forward direction. Never use in reverse.
Connecting Power Cord:
Put the On/Off Selector Switch in the “OFF” position and turn the dial speed control to the “OFF” speed position.
Put the Rotation Selection Switch in the Forward Position. Operating the handpiece with the switch in the reverse position
can severely damage the handpiece.
Now plug in the power cord to an AC current outlet.
Attaching Handpiece Accessories:
The HPMH-011 Hammer Handpiece comes with the following
accessories and adapters:
3–HP10177K Anvil Points with Threaded Shanks
1– HPH8-32 Anvil Point Adapter for Threaded Anvil Point 10177K
1– HPH8-35 Adapter for Non-threaded Shank Accessories (2.35mm
shank tools)
1– HPH8-214 Graver Holder with Allen Key
1– HPH8-38 Open End Wrench (5mm)
2–HP10562 Pins, used to tighten Anvil Points
1– HPH8-39 Anvil Point Holder (used for shaping the point )
HPMH-011 Handpiece and Accessories:
Three anvil points are supplied so that the tips can be shaped or modified for different setting
operations. To use the anvil points, thread in the anvil point adapter and tighten with wrench. Thread an anvil point in to it and tighten it with a
pin in its cross hole. Texturing and beading tools with non-threaded 2.35mm shanks such as the pavé diamond point (A-R15G) can be used with
the Adapter (HPH8-35) in the handpiece. Thread the Adapter into the front of the handpiece and tighten with the wrench. Insert a 2.35mm shank
tool into the adapter and tighten the set screw with a Phillips screw driver. The HPH8-214 Graver Holder screws into the front end of the hand-
piece and converts it into a power engraving tool. It comes with a 5/64
″ allen key.
Impact Adjustment:
The force of impact can be increased or decreased by turning the metal ring while the handpiece is either off or running.
Test the impact on a piece of metal or material similar to the work piece until the correct combination of speed and impact is obtained.
The HPMH-011 has permanently lubricated ball bearings that do not require lubrication. Putting even a small
amount of oil into the handpiece can damage it.
Cleaning Handpiece:
Use the Handpiece in as clean and dust free an environment as possible. A cloth with a small amount of alcohol solution
can be used to clean outside of handpiece if necessary.
Do not use any other cleaning fluids or immerse handpiece in any liquid.
Checking/Changing Motor Brushes
: A spare set of motor brushes (HPL4-504) is supplied with each handpiece. Depending on how long the
handpiece is used each day, the brushes should be checked for wear periodically (about every 200 hours of use) and replaced when the brush is
less the 2mm (5/64
″) long.
To Check/Replace Motor Brushes:
1. Unscrew protective cap from rear of motor (see Figure 4) by turning in counterclockwise
direction while griping handpiece body. (It has a standard right hand thread.)
2. With small crosspoint screwdriver remove screws and brush assemblies one at a time. Check
length of carbon brush from spring to curved side of brush.
Brushes should be removed, examined, and replaced (if necessary) one at a time.
3. Re-insert brush assembly or new brush assembly into brush tube. Replace and tighten screws.
4. Screw protective cap back onto rear of motor housing so that top of brush assembly is completely covered.
Impact Adjusting Ring
The Foredom Electric Co., 16 Stony Hill Rd., Bethel, CT 06801
F-1259 n 5/08