Foredom Nos.5 User Manual

Owner’s Manual
for the
High Speed
Bench Grinder
Models No. 1 and 5
For your Own Safety:
• Read Owner’s Manual before operating
your Foredom power tool.
• Always wear eye protection while using power tools.
• Always check to be sure that accessories are tight
on their shafts before you turn on the motor.
• Always use dust collection, respirator, or face mask
to prevent inhalation of dust particles from
workpiece or abrasives.
Your Foredom High Speed Bench Grinder can be used almost anywhere, but the
motor should not be enclosed or confined so as to restrict air circulation. Two
holes are provided in the base casting if you wish to fasten your grinder to your
bench. Be sure the switch/speed control knob is in the off position (turned
counterclockwise as far as it will go) before you plug in the power cord. Check
the nameplate of your grinder to be sure the motor voltage matches the voltage
you are using. Attach the tapered spindle TM-3 and wheel mandrel, which come
with the No. 1 and No. 5 Bench Grinder, to the left and right motor shafts. Make
sure that the set screws are on the flat part of the motor shaft as close to the
motor as possible; and that the set screws are tight.
The Model No. 1 Grinder produces no load speed up to 15,000 RPM, controlled
by an electronic speed control which is manually adjusted. The on/off switch and
speed control are operated by the knob on the front of the motor base. To shut
the motor off, turn the knob counterclockwise as far as it will go. You will hear the
switch click as it goes into the off position. The Model No. 5 Grinder is similar to
the No. 1 except the speed is adjusted by a foot control. This model does not
have an off/on switch. Please keep in mind that both grinders accomplish their
work through high speed rather than high torque; therefore you should use the
lightest pressure possible. With a light touch you will avoid unnecessary tool
marks, rapid wear of the tool, and overheating of the motor.
Your Foredom High Speed Bench Grinder is equipped with a ball bearing motor,
and requires no lubrication. However, we recommend that you keep a spare set
of motor brushes, Part No. 229P. The motor brushes should be checked periodi-
cally for wear. When new they are approximately 1/2
long. They should be
replaced when they have worn to 1/4
. To remove the brushes, simply unscrew
the brush caps. When replacing them, be sure that the contour of the brush
matches the armature. The motor and base should be kept as clean and free of
dust, grease, and dirt as possible.
The electronic control mounted in the base of the Model No. 1 High Speed Bench
Grinder contains a specially designed electronic circuit, and service on this
component should be performed only by the factory. Factory repairs are made
promptly and at reasonable cost. If it is not convenient to arrange for service
through your dealer, you may send your equipment directly to the factory marked:
“Attention: Service Department.” Estimates on repairs are given promptly when
requested. Important: When ordering spare parts, please be sure to give all the
data on the nameplate located on the motor.
Always Wear Eye Protection While Using Bench Grinder.