3 the system function – Teledyne BDS-3000 - Oxygen analyzer User Manual

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BDS 3000

Teledyne Analytical Instruments


Any function can be selected at any time by pressing the

appropriate button (unless password restrictions apply). The order as
presented in this manual is appropriate for an initial setup.

Each of these functions is described in greater detail in the

following procedures. The VFD screen text that accompanies each
operation is reproduced, at the appropriate point in the procedure, using


bolded type style. Pushbutton names are printed in

Oblique type.


The System Function

The subfuctions of the System function are described below.

Specific procedures for their use follow the descriptions:

Auto-Cal: Used to define an automatic calibration sequence
and/or start an Auto-Cal.

PSWD: Security can be established by choosing a 5 digit
password (PSWD) from the standard ASCII character set. (See
Installing or Changing the Password, below, for a table of ASCII
characters available.) Once a unique password is assigned and
activated, the operator MUST enter the UNIQUE password to
gain access to set-up functions which alter the instrument's
operation, such as setting the instrument span or zero setting,
adjusting the alarm setpoints, or defining analysis ranges.

After a password is assigned, the operator must log out to
activate it. Until then, anyone can continue to operate the
instrument without entering the new password.

Only one password can be defined. Before a unique password
is assigned, the system assigns TETAI by default. This allows
access to anyone. After a unique password is assigned, to defeat
the security, the password must be changed back to TETAI.

Logout: Logging out prevents unauthorized tampering with
analyzer settings.

More: Select and enter More to get a new screen with
additional subfunctions listed.

Self–Test: The instrument performs a self-diagnostic test to
check the integrity of the power supply, output boards and