Power installation, Power installation overview, Vehicle system checklist – Liquid Controls LCR 600 Install User Manual
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Power Installation overview
When you have made all of the data connections and finished installing the components, connect the power to the
LCR 600 and the Epson printer. Before making the power connections, go through the vehicle system checklist below,
and ensure that the electrical system of the truck meets the minimum requirements for powering the LCR 600 and the
Epson printer.
vehicle system Checklist
□ Clean any corrosion from the battery terminals and battery cable to guarantee a solid, tight connection.
□ Charge the battery in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
□ Ensure the alternator is large enough to meet the total demands of the truck, including the LCR 600. The
LCR 600 requires a minimum of 5A for proper operation. Run the truck at low idle with all accessories on
(including hose reel), and check the voltage with a multi-meter. The voltage should not drop below 11V.
□ Inspect the electrical equipment on the vehicle, and ensure it is properly installed and operating correctly.
□ Determine whether the vehicle is grounded positively or negatively. Consult Liquid Controls if the vehicle
has a positive ground.
□ Make sure that any radio antennas are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification to
prevent RF interference.
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