Impulse 463E User Manual
Page 92

© Sealevel Systems, Inc.
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SeaI/O User Manual
CEthernet API
The API to CCEthernet is easy to use, straightforward, and designed to be as user-
friendly as possible. Looking at the UML diagram, one can determine that there are
only six functions that the interface provides. Of those, only four are required for
basic operation. Sample code segments are provided in a later section. Each of the
methods are documented below, including the parameters and the associated return
+Alloc(in number : int)
+find_devices(in type_to_find : ceth_device_type, in number_to_find : int, inout list_to_store_devices : ceth_device *)
+Free(inout list : ceth_device *)
-prepareList(inout c : ceth_device *, in n : int)
+set_information(inout device : ceth_device *, in command : ceth_set_types, in ... : ...)
UML Class Model for CCEthernet
Can be: SeaIO_Ethernet, SeaLink_Dev, or Sealevel_All_Devices.
number <= number allocated using Alloc().
pointer to the list previously allocated.
Return Values
Socket Error. Refer to Winsock documentation for error code.