Ection – Clear-Com WTR-680 User Manual

Page 83

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Clear-Com Limited Warranty

This prod uct is guar an teed by Clear-Com In ter com Sys tems to be free of man u fac tur ing de fects in ma te rial and
work man ship un der nor mal use for three years from the date of pur chase.

The Clear-Com In ter com Sys tems Warranty does not cover any de fect, mal func tion, or fail ure caused be yond
the con trol of Clear-Com, in clud ing un rea son able or neg li gent op er a tion, abuse, ac ci dent, fail ure to fol low in -
struc tions in the man ual, de fec tive or im prop erly as so ci ated equip ment, at tempts at mod i fi ca tion and re pair not
au tho rized by Clear-Com, and ship ping dam age. Prod ucts with their se rial num bers re moved or de faced are not
cov ered by this Warranty.

This Warranty is the sole and ex clu sive ex press Warranty given with re spect to Clear-Com prod ucts. It is the re -
spon si bil ity of the user to de ter mine be fore pur chase that this prod uct is suit able for the user's in tended pur pose.

Any and all im plied Warranties, in clud ing the im plied Warranty of mer chant abil ity, are lim ited to the du ra tion
of this ex press lim ited Warranty. Nei ther Clear-Com nor the dealer who sells Clear-Com prod ucts is li a ble for
in ci den tal or con se quen tial dam ages of any kind.


Re turn au tho ri za tion num bers are re quired for all re turns.

Both Warranty and non-Warranty re pairs are avail able.

For your own re cords fill in the in for ma tion be low:

Model No. Se rial No.

Date Pur chased

Pur chased from (dealer)

Ad dress

City State ZIP




Limited Warranty

This manual is related to the following products: