Ection, Bat tery in for ma tion – Clear-Com WTR-680 User Manual
Page 73
Bat tery In for ma tion
Im proper bat tery se lec tion, use, in stal la tion and care are the
cause of nu mer ous wire less sys tem fail ures.
Al ka line Bat teries: Al ka line bat ter ies such as Mallory’s
® or Eveready’s EN ER GIZER® pro vide the
most re li able op er a tion in wire less trans ceiv ers.
The use of low cost car bon-zinc bat ter ies is NOT rec om -
Nickel-Metal Hy
dride Bat
teries: These bat
ies can save
you money in the long run, as they can be re charged. Typ i cal
bat tery life is about 70%-80% of the length of time al ka line
bat ter ies last.
Bat tery Life:
Al ka line, 12-14 Hours
Nickel Metal Hy dride, 9-11 Hours
Al ka line, 9-11 Hours
Nickel Metal Hy dride, 7-9 Hours
En er gizer® is a reg is tered trade mark of Un ion Car bide Cor po ra tion.
Duracell® is a reg is tered trade mark of Duracell Inc.
Do not place an al ka line WTR68X -bat tery pack in any bat tery
charger. Se vere charger and bat tery pack dam age may re sult.