Clear-Com WTR-680 User Manual

Page 79

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Fac tory Ser vice

All equip ment re turned for re pair must be ac com pa nied by doc u men ta tion stat ing the re turn ad dress,
tele phone num ber, date of pur chase, and a de scrip tion of the prob lem.

Be fore re turn ing equip ment for re pair, you must ob tain a re turn au tho ri za tion num ber. To ob tain a re -
turn au tho ri za tion num ber, call our cus tomer ser vice de part ment at the num ber listed be low. By talk ing
with our rep re sen ta tives, many prob lems can of ten be re solved over the phone. You can also fax our
cus tomer ser vice de part ment or send an email to sup [email protected].

Af ter ob tain ing a re turn au tho ri za tion num ber, send equip ment to be re paired to:

Cus tomer Ser vice De part ment
Clear-Com In ter com Sys tems
4065 Hollis Street
Emeryville, CA 94608-3505
Tele phone: (510) 496-6666
Fax: (510) 496-6610
Web site:

Warranty Re pair

If in Warranty, no charge will be made for the re pairs. Equip ment be ing re turned for Warranty re pair
must be sent pre paid and will be re turned pre paid.

Non-Warranty Re pair

Equip ment that is not un der Warranty must be sent pre paid to Clear-Com. If re quested, an es ti mate of
re pair costs will be is sued prior to ser vice. Once re pair is ap proved and re pair of equip ment is com -
pleted, the equip ment will be shipped freight col lect from the fac tory.

This manual is related to the following products: