Use de fault, Fac tory de fault – Clear-Com WTR-680 User Manual
Page 53
WTR-680 Menu Struc ture
Spe cial Key Se quences
Lock out
Press [UP]+[DOWN] for 3 sec onds to lock or un lock the
beltpack. The words “Loc on” will be dis played when the
fea ture is ac ti vated, “Loc oFF” will be dis played when the
beltpack is un locked. Pressing [MENU] will still func tion
to view screens, but [SET] will no lon ger start any ed it -
ing. Scan, First use, Fac
tory de
fault, and Fea
ture en
able/dis able are no lon ger ac ces si ble.
Use De fault
Press [MENU] while turn ing on the beltpack to en ter the
use de fault setup screen. This places the unit on group
01A with chan
nel 01 flash
ing. Any user-programmed
fre quen cies that had been en tered pre vi ously are re -
tained. The beltpacks must now be set to dif fer ent trans -
mit chan
nels us
ing the [UP]/[DOWN] but
tons. Then
[SET] is hit to place the units on those chan nels. If lock -
out had been ac ti vated, the beltpack co mes up where it
was last left re
less of [MENU] be
ing pressed on
Fac tory De fault
Pressing all four but tons
at the same time for three sec
onds places the unit on
group 01A with chan nel 01 flash ing, just like beltpack 1
use de fault, ex cept the all user-programmed fre quen cies
that had been en tered pre vi ously are erased. Af ter the
but tons are re leased, it still may take sev eral sec onds for
the beltpack to re set. The beltpacks must now be set to
dif fer ent trans mit chan nels us ing the [UP]/[DOWN] but -
tons. Then [SET] is hit to place the units on those chan -
nels. If lock out had been ac ti vated, the beltpack co mes up
where it was last left re gard less of these four keys be ing