Sa (studio/stage announce) button (#), Rear-panel connectors, Miscellaneous connector – Clear-Com ICS-2003 User Manual
Page 23: Logic input #1 and #2
Clear-Com Communication Systems
ICS-2003 Intercom Panel Instruction Manual
1 - 1 5
SA (Studio/Stage Announce) Button (#)
This button functions only if the panel is equipped with the OPT-100
Auxiliary Audio Input/Output option. Pressing and holding the “SA”
button sends the microphone output to the studio announce output on
the Auxiliary Audio I/O connector. All other talk paths from the panel to
the matrix frame are turned off.
This section describes only those rear-panel functions directly affecting
normal panel operation. These include the functions available through
the “Miscellaneous” connector and those added by the use of the
“OPT-100 Auxiliary Audio” connector. The actual functions these inputs
and outputs perform depend on the installation of the individual panel.
This section only describes the general use of these functions.
Miscellaneous Connector
The Miscellaneous connector includes the following functions:
• Logic input #1
• Logic input #2
• Programmable relay
• Mute relay
Logic Input #1 and #2
Each input can control one of several functions, determined through
the configuration program. Typically, these inputs are connected to an
external foot switch, a panel-mounted switch, or the logic output of
another device.
The following functions are available:
• Mic On/Off—toggles the panel’s microphone on and off.
• Mute Mic Output To Frame—turns off the audio from the panel to the
frame. It does not turn off the Hot Mic output (described in
“OPT-100 Auxiliary Audio Option” on page 17).
• Mic Off —momentarily turns off the panel’s microphone.
• Answer Back Talk/Clear—functions the same as the panel’s “Answer
Back” selector. Holding down the switch activates a talk to a label
in the answer-back stack. To clear the label, quickly press and
release the switch.
• Studio Announce—sends the output of the panel’s selected
microphone (panel or headset) to the panel’s Studio Announce
(SA) audio output, and activates the SA relay. The microphone
output is not sent to the frame. The SA output and relay are only
present if the panel has the OPT-100 Auxiliary Audio I/O Option
installed. (The SA options are described in “OPT-100 Auxiliary
Audio Option” on page 17).