Burkert Type SE30EX User Manual
Page 4

6. ATEX inSTrucTionS noTicE
Area of application
The SE30 Ex flowmeter is intended for measuring the flow
rate in neutral or slightly aggressive liquids that have no
solid particles in the following explosive areas:
• areas 0,1 or 2 and areas 20, 21, 22 category II 1G/D
• firedamp mines category I M1 appliance
model se30 ex nAmur with order code 552901, for
potentially explosive areas of gas (0, 1 and 2) and/or
dust (20, 21 and 22)
• Helps with understanding the marking and with instal-
CE 0102
Ex ia IIC T6
Ex iaD 20 IP6X T80°C
T ambient: 0 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 60 °C
LCIE 04 ATEX 6070 X
• Special conditions for safe use:
- The equipment is an appliance that is intrinsically safe.
- It may be installed in potentially explosive atmos-
pheres: areas 0, 1 or 2 and areas 20, 21 or 22.
- The connector only has to be connected to an
appliance that has the intrinsic safety certification. These
connections must be compatible as regards intrinsic
safety and comply with the following parameters.
- Ambient temperature for use: from 0°C to +60°C
• Special parameters of relevant protection method/s:
Ui ≤ 15V, Ii ≤ 50 mA, Pi ≤ 188 mW, Ci ≤ 1,2 nF, Li ≅ 0
• Mechanical assembly and fluid connections that are
compatible with said marking and said use:
Use only brass, stainless steel, aluminium or PVDF fittings.
if the fitting has a pp paddle-wheel, ensure there is no
risk of explosion within the pipe: the fluidics must be
within the safe area.
• Any other fittings are prohibited in explosive areas.
model se30 ex nAmur with order code 553455, for
firedamp mines
• Helps with understanding the marking and with installation
CE 0102
I M1
Ex ia I T80°C
T ambient : 0 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 60 °C
LCIE 04 ATEX 6070 X
• Special conditions for safe use:
- The equipment is an appliance that is intrinsically safe
for firedamp mines.
- It may be installed in potentially explosive
atmospheres: mine.
- The connector only has to be connected to an
appliance that has the intrinsic safety certification. These
connections must be compatible as regards intrinsic
safety and comply with the following parameters.
- Ambient temperature for use: from 0°C to +60°C
• Special parameters of relevant protection method/s:
Ui ≤ 15V, Ii ≤ 50 mA, Pi ≤ 188 mW, Ci ≤ 1,2 nF, Li ≅ 0
• Mechanical assembly and fluid connections that are
compatible with said marking and said use:
- Use brass or stainless steel fittings only, with a PVDF
paddle-wheel for an S030 fitting.
- Any other connection is prohibited.
- The appliance must be protected from mechanical
damage. Mechanical protection with order code
553519 should be used.
Warranty and liability
During the warranty period and outside said period the
Bürkert company alone is authorised to carry out repairs or
alterations to any of its products that has been awarded EC
type examination certification. Bürkert disclaims its liability in
the event of non-compliance with this clause.
The assembly work must be carried out by qualified
personnel. In the event of problems with installation
or commissioning, please contact your Bürkert
supplier as soon as possible.
The SE30 Ex products are identified by an individual batch
number which allows them to be traced. This number (5
figures), plus the year, is inscribed on a name plate bearing
the order code of the device.
This product is an appliance for potentially explosive
atmospheres. In this regard and in compliance with the EC
ATEX 94/9 Directive, provisions must be made to ensure
ascending and descending traceability. Our ATEX notified
quality system ensures this traceability up to the initial point
of delivery.
Except as otherwise agreed in writing, anyone that guarantees to
redeliver said equipment undertakes to put in place a system that
allows for equipment that is not conform to be recalled if necessary.